null Better Cotton Initiative | Sustainable Cotton Retailer | Canningvale

Better Cotton Initiative


Our Goal:

By January 2020, 100% of cotton fibre and fabrics sourced for Canningvale products will be more sustainable cotton.

Cotton is an integral material for Canningvale and its consumers. The cotton industry supports the livelihoods of over 250 million people living around the globe, and in recent times has achieved great improvements in efficiency and sustainability initiatives. Despite this, high water usage and pesticide usage still lead to significant environmental and social challenges.

Cotton is present in almost 95% of all Canningvale products sold globally, which in the coming year will equate to over 400 metric tonnes of Cotton fibre used. We believe that we have a responsibility to source our cotton in a way that minimises cottons environmental impact and social challenges associated with the cotton industry. For this reason, we have set an ambitious goal. By January 2020, 100% of cotton fibre and fabrics sourced for Canningvale products will be more sustainable fabrics.


Canningvale’s Partnership with BCI


To assist us with this commitment, Canningvale has recently become a proud member of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI); the world’s largest cotton sustainability program.

This organisation exists to make the world’s cotton production better for the people involved in producing it, better for the environment it is grown in and ultimately better for the industry’s future.

BCI is growing rapidly across the globe. Better Cotton accounts for nearly 20% of the world’s cotton supply and is sustainably sourced by over 97 well-known brands and retailers such as Adidas, Burberry and many more.

BCI really is a shared effort, encompassing organisations, communities and individuals in it’s effort to make more sustainable cotton, mainstream.

Through our partnership with BCI and with the help of our manufacturers, we are working together to ensure a brighter future for the global cotton industry and those whose lives depend on it.

Our commitment to BCI is our main mechanism for achieving the 100% more sustainable cotton commitment, in addition to other recycled polyester and recycled cotton initiatives.

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